Resonating-With-Light is an installation that consists of multiple small electronic units in a natural environment with sunlight. Each unit collects solar energy and transforms it into a repetitive bouncing of itself onto a metal tube, creating a kinetic and acoustic reaction to sunlight. The assembly of units and metal tubes together create a gentle acoustic texture that subtly blends with its natural surrounding, waxing and waning with the changing sunlight throughout the day.
According to the first law of thermodynamics there is a fixed amount of energy that constantly transforms into different forms: solar energy, kinetic energy, temperature changes, sound waves, etc. With every transformation the available energy goes into higher and higher entropic states: more and more evenly dispersed energy, as the second law of thermodynamics states.
But then, how does life exist? Doesn’t life seem like a phenomenon fully opposite to the laws of thermodynamics—a local concentration of energy into a single form? Maybe that is a good definition for life: that which defies the second law of thermodynamics.
The artist creates an artifact, i.e., something made by a human being. Nature, that which is not created by human beings, shows us the sublime: the always perfect balance. The artist can only try to make something as sublime as nature.
The first iteration of Resonating-With-Light was presented at
ECOS2006 conference in Nantes (FR).
Detailed info:
Resonating-With-Light is an installation that deals with the following:
- Creating a work that tries to imitate some characteristics of nature. More specifically, to exemplify simple natural phenomena that can create complex emergent behavior.
- Presenting the work in an outside environment and thus merging it with nature which it tries to imitate.
- Creating algorithmically generated patterns through the use of multiple simple, identical, physical automata.
- Using solar energy to make these electronic automata as autonomous as possible.
- Making these automata sensitive to it's environment, in order to further merge the installation with it's surroundings. This is done by using small solar cells.
- The generated patterns come in the form of movement of the objects, and sound.
- Musically, it works with percussive sounds and changing rhythmical patterns. Firstly, because percussive sounds use less energy. Secondly, because a previous sound-installation I made, Inside-The-Oscillator, covers similar concepts, but in contrast works with sustained sounds.
Inspirations for this project:
The short story
The Last Question by Isaac Asimov.
Peter Vogel
Felix Hess
Douglas Irving Repetto's
Crash and Bloom
Thank you:
Dominique Leroy
Marc Boon
Frank Gorter
Gert Aertsen
Jo ...
everybody from
This project has been realized with support from
The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB) and
The Mondriaan Foundation.