Custom software development for the interactive installation Lifeform:Telekinetics by Jeff Mann and Michelle Teran.

Created with Max/MSP, the software deals with sensor-input (MIDI), control of actuators (motors, etc.), remote sensor/actuator-input and -output (OSC communication over internet), syncronised playback of audio- and midifiles and recording/playback of live sensor input.


for more recent presentations see here.

De Balie Café, Amsterdam (NL).

Latei Café, Amsterdam (NL).

Theatrum Anatomicum / Waag Society, Amsterdam (NL).

08.12.2004 - 09.12.2004
Melkweg Club, Amsterdam (NL).

The telepresent picknick in public park, Perth (AUS).
At the Waag Society, Amsterdam (NL).
The dinner table filled with interactive utensils.
At the Waag Society, Amsterdam (NL).
At Latei Cafe, Amsterdam (NL).
Closeup scissors.
Closeup corkscrew and forkbag.
Software, user interface overview.
Software, main window.
Software, input section window.
Software, window where behaviours of all the physical interfaces can be set.